Hello, hello!
Welcome to The Weekly Whoop #2!
If you want to learn more about how this generally works, jump to this introduction. To know more about whoop!, visit the About page.
You can also DM me.
Alright! Here goes:

And a downloadable PDF version, should you want to share it with friends and enemies:
And, for the sake of completeness, here is the in-line version.
The Key
This is the riddle in verse!
she lived in town of goat, she had a small town crib. the real life namesake, she made fishing trip.
The Quest
Use the key to complete the crossword below by answering the prompts Across and Down and providing the logic behind your answers.
DM me for clarifications, brainstorming, checking/sending solutions, and idle chitchat.
The Playbook
The rules of the quest:
Complete the quest by completing the crossword and providing the logic1 behind the answers. Partial solutions are a no-no.
Whoever completes the quest first wins.
Onlymonthly and annual subscribers are eligible for a $200 cash prize.Free subscribers
play for fun (no cash prizes)are eligible for a $50 cash prize.If you are a free subscriber and you win, you can claim the prize by getting a subscription after the fact2.Ask questions, seek clarifications, confirm answers, brainstorm, and send the solutions (and logic) via DM (preferred method):
Or via email.
The deadline is 0600 hours Pacific Time (1830 hours Indian Standard Time) on October 18, 2024.
The Clues
The clues are helpful hints released with a time delay. They will be available to everyone (subscriber or not) for this quest.
Clue #1
Patience is a virtue! This cluewill be outwas added on October 12, 2024 at06000710 hours PT.
Clue #2
Patience is a virtue! This cluewill be outwas added on October 13, 2024 at 0600 hours PT.
Clue #3
Patience is a virtue! This clue was added on October 16, 2024 at 0606 hours PT.
The tools to complete the quest
In addition to putting that beautiful mind of yours to work, you can:
work with friends and family
collaborate with colleagues and strangers
brainstorm with me3
use the internet,
walk into the local library (remember that old thing),
use AI and any other resources
Parting Shot
This is it, folks! I am thrilled to bring this second quest from ‘whoop!’. I hope you will enjoy completing it as much as I enjoyed devising it.
Please remember, the quest ends when someone completes it (answers to ALL prompts of the crossword AND the logic behind them) OR if the time runs out (0600 hours PT on October 18, 2024).
Let’s get solving!
Logic is more than superficial connections like synonyms, antonyms, anagrams, word lengths, et cetera. E.g., if the answer to a particular prompt is a synonym of the prompt, your logic should explain why that specific synonym is the answer in the context of the riddle.
Or, e.g., say you see GEICO emerge as the answer to the prompt ‘an insurance company’ because of the letters from answers to the other prompts. You still have to explain how GEICO is connected to the riddle. It’s entirely possible that the connection isn’t about GEICO, the insurance company, but GEICO, the name. It’s a riddle, afterall; ambiguity is the name of the game.
I will not be able to entertain requests like ‘Please deduct the subscription price from the prize.’
DM me on Substack (waveman). That’s the preferred route. You will have to opt for a free subscription for this.
You can also find me on LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit, Grapevine, and X at the handle whoopthefeed. This facility is available for a limited time only. I will notify the community once we move entirely to Substack DMs.
[This benefit is available to subscribers only] You can access the community chat to work with other community members. Just (a) be respectful, (b) please don’t disclose the answers on the chat (use DMs if you must), and (c) remember that there’s only one reward per quest, and it will go out to the subscriber who communicates it first via DM or email.