Hello, whoopers!
Here’s clue #2 for The Weekly Whoop #1. It is all about clarifications.
Do you recall the four questions of the quest?
The Quest
Use the key (and the clues) and tell me what:
Principles (in a field)
A brand/company
Another brand/company
Organism that, some say, was instrumental in a third brand/company’s success.
Here are the clarifications.
Clue #2
All three brands/companies are consumer product companies.
The Principles represent a strong common thread, a connection1 among the three brands/companies, though two are connected more directly.
The organism instrumental in the third brand/company’s success is a person2. Their name is hidden in clue #1. Of course, you will have to decipher it.
I feel like I am practically giving away the solution here. Maybe not.
This explains the line, “The three stand apart, with a single beating heart,” from clue #1.
This explains the insert ‘human organism’ from clue #1.