Hello, whoopers!
The third clue to The Weekly Whoop #3 is about revelations and relations. First, let’s recap the crossword and the first two clues.
The Crossword
The Previous Clues
The first clue was an extension of the key. It was the riddle Rama gave her friend, the riddle that the taxicab’s number had inspired.
You can find it in the embed below.The second clue was about the relations among some answers to the crossword’s prompts (Across and Down). Please find it in the embed below.
Additionally, clue #2 provided general guidance on how to solve a typical edition of The Weekly Whoop — nothing exhaustive, but (I believe) helpful nonetheless.
Now, then, it’s time for the third!
Clue #3
Here are the revelations and (more) relations:
3 Across is the English transliteration of homophones that mean Calabash1 and an interactive recording
4 Across is also a work in ten movements2. It’s also the namesake for a character in 1 Down
6 Down and 5 Down’s namesake in 1 Down are related (that’s a mouthful, innit?)
There are clues everywhere. If I were you, I would look closely at the subtitles of some posts associated with The Weekly Whoop #3.
The same goes for some image captions and the images.
Sometimes, when in doubt, to part the clouds, go back to the beginning and make ends meet.
I hope this helps you. DM me for clarifications and chitchat.
Remember Calabash from Rama’s story in the key?
What insight does that give you into 5 Across?