Useful Links: The Key | The Crossword (Interactive) | Clue #2 | Clue #3
Hello, whoopers!
The first clue for The Weekly Whoop #4 is here. Let me start with a silly rhyme. Think of it as me clearing my throat before singing (though you may never want to hear me sing).
Here, then, is the first clue’s agenda, inside scoops, musings, and addenda. A rumination here, a clarification there, a missed opportunity, and corrigenda.
Ok, I feel better now, so let’s get on with it.
The Scoop, aka The Clarification
The crossword in The Weekly Whoop #4’s quest isn’t a cryptic crossword.1 The Across and Down prompts aren’t mini puzzles themselves.
Yes, they have backstories and a few of them have interpretations, but we aren’t talking puns, anagrams, or backward reading here.
So there!
The Addenda & Corrigenda
6 Across: a fictional princess; a Disney princess (4,5)
9 Across: The Silver _____, first iteration of a famous watering hole (translation from Spanish); a fruit
14 Across: The namesake of one of IBA’s contemporary classics
8 Down: Virgin Mary, a famous boat
A Missed Opportunity
The earlier versions of The Weekly Whoop #4’s key reminded me of Ian Fleming and David Cornwell (aka ?) — both intelligence officers and writers.
The fit between their lives and the key was neither tenuous nor exact.
I could have engineered the riddle so that it fit. Then, the quest could have been structured so that half of the crossword came from one of their exploits and the other half from who or what it refers to now.
It would have been a fun exercise (not including them is a missed opportunity)2.
Eventually, I rewrote the key so that (a) it pointed to my intended target, (b) it wasn’t as easy to crack as an egg, and (c) (at the same time) it was as whimsical as ever.
And I thought now the key had the north star I chose. Then, this morning, someone posted this on r/handwriting:
The mind interprets how it does and what beautiful interpretations it can cook up!
I wrote the words ‘rollin’ stone’ in that damn key. And I wrote them twice, too.
The Rolling Stones and Mick Jagger didn’t flash through my caffeine-drenched brain.
My intended target reminded me of the proverb3, which reminded me of the song by The Undisputed Truth (made famous by The Temptations).
My musical leanings are somewhat limited. The late great Muddy Waters didn’t flash me by either.
Yes, the fit between the current key and Jagger is neither tenuous nor exact. However, had I recognized the naked connection due to a mere turn of phrase (i.e., “rollin’ stone”), I could have carved the limerick so that this wasn’t yet another missed opportunity.
It’s a damn shame, and that’s The Undisputed Truth!
Musings and Rumination
Sometimes, it helps to start with the easiest parts, with what’s known or what you believe can be knowable. And, sometimes, it’s best to start where there aren’t many options. Sometimes, these two are one and the same.
What is knowable in the crossword above? Where are the options (in this case, the set of possible solutions) limited?The other things I want to talk about are the sore thumbs, the nails that have got to be hammered (no, not the nails of the thumbs).
I am talking about the things that stick out, that don’t make sense, the square pegs in round holes (no, no double entendres here).
What stands out to you in the key, the quest, or even this post you are reading right now? If nothing stands out, then you are probably not looking hard enough.
After considering these ruminations in the context of the hunt, you might consider them in the context of life/work.
Puzzles can be powerful metaphors, however imperfect.
DM me for clarifications and chitchat.
For that matter, none of the crosswords featured here till date (i.e., as of The Weekly Whoop #4) have been cryptic crosswords.
I even though of building a crossword with multiple valid solutions, each deriving from a specific personality (or multiple personalities). But, given the time I had on hand, it was beyond me.